Personal training

When joining Arena Fitness Club you receive two free personal training sessions. After these sessions you decide yourself if you want to continue working with your personal trainer, or if you want to work out on your own.

These are some of the things our personal trainers can help you with:

  • personalised training programmes
  • training plans for running (5k, 10k, half marathon, marathon and ultra distances) and triathlon/Iron Man
  • other sport specific training plans
  • cardiovascular fitness
  • weight reduction
  • nutrition advice
  • weight gain/increased muscle mass
  • rehab training after injury (consult your doctor/physiotherapist or other health care profession first)
  • pre-and post-natal training (consult your doctor/midwife first)

Contact the receptionist, or send a mail to if you want to book a session with one of out personal trainers.

Muscle therapy and massage

Arena Fitness Club offers massage and muscle therapy at Hinna. New research shows that massage can have the following benefits:

• reduces post exercise soreness and speeds up recovery after hard training sessions

• stretches connective tissue for improved muscle function

• improves immune function

• reduces inflammation

• reduces levels of cortisol, a stress hormone.

This means massage not only makes you feel relaxed, it can actually have a real impact on your general health! Contact the reception at Hinna to book a massage session.

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